Copy Test: Human-vs-Gen AI

PLUS: Prompts for Content Marketers


  • Ad Copy Test: Human-vs-Gen AI

  • How Is AI Changing Content Creation?

  • From the AI community

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  • 10 Prompts Every Content Marketer Must Know


Ad Copy Test: Human-vs-Gen AI

Who does it better when writing an ad copy - the human or the machine?

A recent study by Hop Skip Media compared the performance of both in a controlled test. The study used for AI-generated ads and targeted business owners and marketing managers seeking pay-per-click advertising services. The ads ran on Google search for eight weeks with a budget of $500.

The results were telling:

  • Human-written ads garnered 45.41% more impressions and 60% more clicks than AI-generated ones.

  • The human ads achieved a click-through rate (CTR) of 4.98% compared to 3.65% for AI ads, and the average cost per click (CPC) was also lower at $4.85 versus $6.05.

These numbers suggest that human copy resonates better with audiences, leading to higher engagement and potentially more efficient click acquisition.

While the study had limitations, such as budget and duration, it plans to redo the test in 2024 with expanded parameters. This study highlights the current superiority of human creativity in advertising, emphasizing the nuanced understanding humans have of their audience, which AI has yet to replicate.

How Is AI Changing Content Creation?

The integration of AI into content creation is not all bad news for content writers but a call to adapt and innovate. AI’s ability to analyze data and produce content quickly is undeniable.

But it lacks the human touchβ€”empathy, understanding, and the capacity for deep, nuanced storytelling that resonates with readers on an emotional level.

Content writers bring a personal touch to their work, crafting stories that engage, inform, and inspire. They understand cultural subtleties and can navigate complex topics with finesse. This human element is what makes content memorable and impactful.

By using AI for research, keyword optimization, and initial drafts, writers can enhance their productivity and creativity. AI can provide the tools, but it is the human writer who wields them with artistry and insight.

The end is not near for content writers; it is merely a new beginning.


  1. Build AI Assistants with No-Code

    πŸ“…May 2 | πŸ”” 11 AM PT | Register

  2. What does an AI product manager do?

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  3. How to Leverage AI for Effective Marketing (Without Losing the Human Touch)

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  4. Intro to AI for Marketers [Live Class]

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Prompts That Every Content Marketer Must Know 

Headline Generator: Generate 10 attention-grabbing headlines for <product/service>. Emphasize <benefit 1>, <benefit 2>. Include a call to action.

Product Description: Write a compelling product description for <product/service>. Target audience: <consumer description>. Highlight <unique selling proposition>.  Keep it under 200 words.

Email Subject Line: Create 5 subject lines to improve open rates for an email promoting <offer or content>. Target audience: <audience segment>

Social Media Ad Copy: Write 3 ad copy variations for <social media platform>. Promote <product/service> which offers <service>.  Target audience: <consumer description>. Include a strong call to action.

Landing Page Copy: Outline the key copy elements for a high-converting landing page promoting <product/service>. Include a headline, subheadline, benefits, testimonials (if applicable), and a clear call to action.

Tagline Generator: Develop 5 memorable tagline options for <brand/service> which offers <service>.  Keep them short, impactful, and reflective of the brand's personality.

Press Release Draft: Write a draft press release announcing <newsworthy event/product launch> offering <new service>. Target audience: media outlets and <end consumer>. Emphasize the key benefits of <benefits> and newsworthy angle.

Attention-Grabbing Hooks: Develop 5 attention-grabbing opening lines suitable for a website article on <topic>.  Aim to spark curiosity and encourage further reading.

Brand Claims: Generate 5 powerful brand claims for <brand/service>.  Highlight <unique selling points> and focus on resonating with <target audience>.

Website Article Outline: Outline a comprehensive website article on <topic>. Target audience: <consumer segment>.  Include suggested section headers, potential keywords, and calls to action.

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